Home Academy agreement
We know how important a strong partnership between school and home is for the general well-being and academic progress of students. Our links with families start before a child joins the school, with a visit from a senior member of staff to the home. This enables us to really get to know the student and those they live with, to assess any particular needs they might have and to hear about their strengths, interests and passions.
Pupils, parents, teachers all sign a 'Home Academy' agreement. This is a joint promise that all of us will put in the time and effort required for our children to succeed. Parents are expected to support children by supervising home learning, ensuring that children attend school and wear the correct uniform.
Parent voice
Parents and carers are an integral part of our school community, and your feedback forms an essential part of our ongoing development and improvement.
Each year we ask all parents and carers to complete our parent questionnaire in February and we achieve a return rate of well over 90%. This information helps us to gauge how parents are feeling about all aspects of our educational provision and to action plan accordingly.
At any time though, you can share your feedback via these channels:
- Ofsted's Parent View tool. This survey consists of 12 short questions around topics such as teaching and behaviour, and will feed into our ongoing development plan
- Directly with a member of our staff
- The main school office
Involvement in learning
At Isaac Newton Academy we very much want parents to be involved in witnessing and celebrating their children’s achievements. Many parents attend our end of term awards assemblies, sports day, school productions and fundraising events. In addition we hold regular evening workshops to inform parents about various aspects of our work and the curriculum. These include workshops on phonics and Maths Mastery (primary) esafety, reporting, Harkness teaching, the BRIDGES framework, Independent Learning and Literacy (secondary).
Each year we hold Progress Meetings for every year group where subject teachers feed back to parents and carers on their child’s performance and progress. We have had 100% attendance from parents at our progress meetings to date. We also send home reports termly in primary and half termly in secondary.
Parent workshops
We hold workshops for parents to help parents with their child's learning and development at home.
We also collect a series of guides and resources that are available on Spark. This covers topics such as supporting your child's learning, keeping safe online, and maintaining good mental health.