Reception - Physical Education
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
GYMNASTICS Can I identify basic body parts and move around the space safely? Can I change my body shape and show a basic balance? Can I hold a balance for 3 seconds? Can I show a variety of points of contact when balancing? Can I replicate a variety of balances? Can I remember a short number of balances and perform these? |
GYMNASTICS Can I show a variety of traveling movements? Can I roll showing some control? Can I remember a small number of movements one after the other? Can I perform a short sequence? Can I recall and perform a short sequence and appreciate others performance? Can I recall and perform a short sequence and appreciate others performance? |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
DANCE Can I create movement from a stimulus? Can I replicate and recall a simple movement pattern? Can I replicate a short movement piece? Can I recall a short movement piece to music with some prompts? Can I recall a longer movement piece to music to an audience with some prompts? Can I perform a movement piece to an audience and appreciate others performance? |
FMS - GAMES Can I use space safely? Can I send an object over a short distance? Can I follow instructions and move my body with control? Can I show control over my body when traveling at speed? Can I change direction safely and with control? Can I throw and catch a large ball? |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
ATHLETICS Can I show an effective running technique? Can I show a safe and effective jumping technique? Can I show skills in competition? Can I show skills in competition? Can I send and receive a variety of objects? Can I use my body to manipulate objects / equipment showing some control? |
FMS GAMES Can I show control over a ball? Can I control a ball of varying sizes and work well in a team? Can I move safely around others and send an object over a larger distance? Can I send and receive a ball showing some control? Can I show effective sending and receiving technique in a competition? Can I dribble the ball showing some control? |
Year 1 - Physical Education
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
GYMNASTICS Can I use my body to make different shapes and hold a balance for 3 seconds? Can I copy a short sequence of balances? Can I remember and perform a short sequence of balances with some prompts? Can I copy / remember a longer sequence and give prompts to my partner? Can I recall and perform a sequence of balances with some prompts? FMS MULTISKILLS Can I identify and negotiate space safely? Can I show some control and accuracy when throwing a short distance? Can I negotiate space effectively and show accuracy when throwing a short distance? Can I negotiate space safely and show agility when moving? Can I show agility when avoiding obstacles? Can I show coordination when throwing and catching a large ball? |
GYMNASTICS Can I dismount the apparatus safely and show a variety of traveling movements? (forward roll) Can I dismount the apparatus safely and show a variety of traveling movements? (forward roll) Can I demonstrate travel, flight, a safe landing? (forward roll) Can I demonstrate safely using travelling and balancing movements on a variety of different apparatus? FMS MULTISKILLS Can I show good control over an object? Can I show control when using a racket? Can I show some accuracy when sending an object with a racket? Can I show coordinated movements when throwing and catching an object? Can I pass and receive with another person showing some accuracy and control? Can I pass and receive a ball showing accuracy and control? |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
DANCE Can I listen to music and move my body to a rhythm? Can I copy a simple movement pattern? Can I remember a simple movement pattern with some prompts? Can I remember a simple movement pattern to music? Can I remember and perform a movement pattern to music? Can I show some timing when performing a movement pattern? FMS MULTISKILLS Can I show correct receiving position when catching? Can I show control of a ball with a racket? Can I show coordinated movements when throwing and catching an object? Can I receive using an object? Can I send and receive a ball with some accuracy? Can I show accuracy when sending and receiving using a racket? |
FMS GAMES Can I use space safely and avoid obstacles? Can I demonstrate the correct 2 handed catching technique? Can I adapt my technique to catch a variety of different objects? Can I show some control over a small basketball? Can I show the correct catching technique in a competition? Can I show ball control and teamwork in competition? FMS MULTISKILLS Can I show an accurate underarm throw? Can I show control over a ball? Can I show control over my body when negotiating space safely? Can I show agility when moving in space? Can I show some control when dribbling? |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
ATHLETICS Can I demonstrate the correct arm and leg action? Can I land safely from a 2 footed jump? Can I show an accurate underarm throw? Can I show a variety of athletic skills in a competition? Can I demonstrate teamwork skills in competition? Can I demonstrate teamwork skills in competition? FMS MULTISKILLS Can I show control over my body when changing direction? Can I show agility and coordination in a competition? Can I show control over a ball when throwing and catching independently? Can I keep control of a ball whilst dribbling? Can I keep control of the ball when passing and receiving at a short distance? Can I pass and receive in a competition? |
FMS GAMES Can I use different body parts to control a ball? Can I use a racket safely and demonstrate some control over the ball? Can I show control over the ball and aim at a target with some success? Can I show teamwork whilst demonstrating ball control? Can I keep control of the basketball when passing and dribbling in isolation? FMS MULTISKILLS Can I manipulate a ball with my body? Can I control the direction of a ball with a racket? Can I show accuracy when aiming? Can I show some coordination when skipping? Can I coordinate movements using a variety of equipment? Can I contact a thrown ball with a racket? |
Year 2 - Physical Education
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
GYMNASTICS Can I recall the 3 SSS of balancing and show points of contact? Can I work with a partner to perform basic balances? Can I perform a short sequence of balances with prompts, holding each for 3-5 seconds? Can I recall and perform a sequence of balances independently? Can I work with a partner to explore paired balances / counterbalance? Can I use apparatus safely and show balances on a variety of apparatus? (forward roll) FMS NETBALL Do I know the key pints of a chest and bounce pass? Can I show the key points of these passes and show them in a competition? Can I show passing and receiving when in a team? Do I know how to pass during directional play? Can I show successful passing and receiving in a competition? |
GYMNASTICS Can use the apparatus safely and show a variety of traveling movements? (forward roll) Can I dismount apparatus safely and show a variety of travelling movements? (forward roll) Can I demonstrate safely using travelling and balancing movements on a variety of different apparatus? Can I demonstrate a SSS balances on a variety of different apparatus? Can I perform learned balances and traveling movements on a variety of different apparatus showing SSS and holding for 5 seconds? Can I perform learned balances and traveling movements on a variety of different apparatus showing SSS and holding for 5 seconds? FMS RUGBY Do I know how to handle a rugby ball to keep control? Can I show how to pass and receive a ball? Can I run whilst keeping control of the ball? Can I pass and receive in a competition? Do I know what a defender/attacker needs to do? Can I pass with my team in a competition? |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
DANCE Can create a character using my body? Can I copy a simple movement pattern? Can I remember a simple movement pattern with some prompts? Can I remember a movement pattern and perform to music? Can I remember and perform a movement pattern to music without prompts? Can I perform a movement pattern to an audience showing timing / rhythm? FMS BASKETBALL Do I know the key points of dribbling? Can I show control when dribbling around obstacles? Can I show control when passing and receiving? Can I dribble in a competition? Can I show accuracy when passing and receiving? Can I show effective dribbling and passing in a competition? |
BASKETBALL Can I show control over the ball when dribbling? Can I dibble the basketball on the move, avoiding obstacles? Can I keep control of the ball and keep my head up when dribbling? Can I pass the ball to my partners hands accurately? Can I pass and receive to my partner when moving? Can I use dribbling, passing and receiving to control the ball around obstacles? FMS FOOTBALL Do I know the key points of dribbling? Can I keep control of the ball when dribbling? Can I keep control of the ball when under pressure? Can I tell my partner how to improve their dribbling? Can I show the teaching points when passing? Do I know the difference between an attacker and a defender? |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
ATHLETICS Can I show the correct arm and leg movement when running? Can I show a safe and effective jumping technique? Can I throw with a safe and effective technique? Do I understand why we have to pace ourselves when running a distance? Can I follow the rules and perform to my best in an athletic competition? Can I follow the rules and perform to my best in an athletic competition? FMS TENNIS Can I show control over a ball with my hands? Can I show accuracy when passing and receiving a ball? Can I show the correct racket grip and contact the ball? Do I know the teaching points of a forehand shot? Can I coordinate a return from a feed using a racket? Can I send and receive a ball using a racket? |
TENNIS Can I show accuracy when throwing a ball? Can I make contact with the ball, using a racket? Can I how to hold a racket and can send the ball in a direction using a racket? Can I hit the ball to my partner using a racket? Can I hit the ball to my partner using a racket? Can I hit the ball to my partner using a racket? FMS MIXED SPORTS Can I show control over a ball when dribbling with my hands? Can I send and receive a ball using a racket? Can I control a ball using my feet? Can I pass, receive, and run with a ball? Can I keep control of the ball when running with it, passing and receiving?
Year 3 - Physical Education
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
GYMNASTICS Can I show balances with symmetry / asymmetry? Can I show a variety of flight with some control? Can I control my body when performing rolls? Can I create a sequence showing balance, travel and flight? Can I create and perform a sequence showing balance, travel and flight? Can I perform a sequence of balance, travel and flight using apparatus? FMS HANDBALL SKILLS Can I receive a thrown ball showing some control? Do I know how to perform a successful bounce pass with a handball? Can I dribble the ball showing some control? Do I know how/when to use steps in handball? Can I show some teaching points of shooting? Can I use skills learnt with in a competition?
GYMNASTICS Can I show self-discipline and control when using apparatus? Can I mount and dismount apparatus safely? Can I create a short sequence of balance, travel and flight using apparatus? Can I create a short sequence of balance, travel and flight using apparatus? Can I create a short sequence of balance, travel and flight using apparatus? Can I perform a short sequence of balance, travel and flight using apparatus? FMS RUGBY SKILLS Can I show some control over a rugby ball when passing and receiving? Do I know which directions I can pass in rugby? Can I run with a ball and pass in a competition? Do I know how to score in rugby? Do I know the difference between attacking and defending? Can I show skills learnt within a competition? |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
DANCE Can I move my body to a rhythm, showing timing? Can I create a short movement piece in time to a beat? Can I use my body to show a character / animal effectively? Can I work with others to create a short dance? Can I perform a short dance to an audience showing good recall and timing? FMS BASKETBALL SKILLS Can I show key points when dribbling with some control? Can I avoid an opponent when dribbling? Can I show an accurate chest pass? Do I know the teaching points of a shot in basketball? Can I show shooting technique in a competition? Can I show skills learnt within a competition? |
OAA Can I show successful communication when working with a group? Can I think tactically to overcome a problem? Can I combine problem solving and communication skills in a pressure situation? Can I give specific and clear verbal instructions to my partner? Can I work successfully as part of a team to overcome a challenge? FMS FOOTBALL SKILLS Can I show the key points of dribbling in football? Can I keep possession of the ball when dribbling around obstacles? Can I pass the ball showing knowledge of key points? Can I identify and use space effectively? Can I show understanding of the roles of attackers and defenders? Can I show skills learnt within a competition? |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
ATHLETICS Can I show some teaching points when running? Can I show sprinting technique in competition? Can I show a safe and effective jumping technique? Can I throw the javelin safely showing some teaching points? Can I push the shot put safely showing some teaching points? Can I perform effectively within the rules in competition? FMS TENNIS SKILLS Can I pass and receive a ball with accuracy? Can I use a racket safely to direct a ball? Can I return a ball using a racket? Can I show some accuracy when demonstrating a forehand shot? Can I show a short rally? Can I use skills learnt within a competition?
HANDBALL Can I show a one handed pass and receive a handball with some success? Can I show a bounce pass with some accuracy? Can I pass and receive on the move? Can I use steps effectively? Can I show the correct shooting technique? Can I show passing and steps successfully when under pressure? FMS NETBALL SKILLS Can I show the key points of a chest and bounce pass? Can I pass and receive under pressure? Can I show basic footwork with some success? Can I use pivoting to outwit an opponent? Can I show understanding of attacking and defending? Can I use skills learnt within a competition?
Year 4 - Physical Education
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
FMS NETBALL SKILLS Can I show some accuracy when passing? Can I show some accuracy when passing and receiving under pressure? Can I show some knowledge of footwork when receiving the ball? Can I use movement to get into space to receive the ball? Can I show defensive skills in isolation? Can I show the skills learnt in a small competition? FMS HANDBALL SKILLS Can I perform a successful pass with a handball when under some pressure? Can I receive the ball with control from different heights? Can show teaching points of dribbling? Can I shoot with some success? Can I use skills learnt with in a competition? |
FMS FOOTBALL SKILLS Can I dribble the ball showing some control? Can I show accurate passing at short distance? Can I show accurate passing and control when dribbling in isolation? Can I keep possession of the ball when under pressure? Can I show dribbling and passing when under pressure? FMS TAG RUGBY SKILLS Can I show control when passing and receiving and do I know the teaching points of a successful pass? Do I know basic rules of tagging? Can I show understanding of tagging when attacking and defending? Can I show how to score in rugby and work with others in a team? Can I show an understanding of gameplay? Can I show skills learnt within a competition? |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
DANCE Can I move my body to a rhythm, showing timing? Can I replicate and recall a short movement piece? Can I use a stimulus to create movement in a small group? Can I understand and apply some dynamics? Can I perform a short dance to an audience showing good recall and timing? FMS BASKETBALL SKILLS Can I show successful dribbling technique? Can I keep possession when dribbling under pressure? Can I show a successful pass when under pressure from an opponent? Can I show an effective shooting technique? Do I understand the role of a defender? Can I show skills learnt within a competition? |
OAA Can I show successful listening and communicating when working with a group? Can I think tactically to overcome a problem with others? Can I show initiative and leadership skills when working in a team? Can I create a plan with my team and adjust it where needed? Can I think tactically when confronted with a problem and work well with my team to overcome this? FMS FOOTBALL SKILLS Can I show the key points of dribbling in football? Can I keep possession of the ball when dribbling around obstacles? Can I pass the ball showing knowledge of key points? Can I identify and use space effectively? Can I show understanding of the roles of attackers and defenders? Can I show skills learnt within a competition?
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
ATHLETICS Can I show teaching points when sprinting in isolation? Can I perform a successful relay changeover? Can I perform the phases of the triple jump? Can I show teaching points of the javelin throw and take part safely in a competition? Can I show some understanding of pace when running a distance? Can I perform effectively within the rules of a competition? FMS TENNIS SKILLS Can I pass and receive a ball with control and can I grip a racket correctly? Can I use a racket to direct a ball to a partner? Do I know the teaching points of a forehand shot and can I show these? Can I volley from a feed? Do I know the teaching points of a backhand shot? Can I use skills learnt within a competition?
FMS BASKETBALL SKILLS Can I keep possession of the ball wen dribbling?? Can I keep possession when dribbling under pressure? Can I decide which pass to make and show a successful pass when under pressure? Can I show an effective shooting technique? Can I show a correct defensive stance? Can I perform skills as part of a team? FMS NETBALL SKILLS Can I perform 2 passes showing control? Can I pass and receive under pressure? Can I show basic footwork within the rules of the game? Can I use pivoting to outwit an opponent? Can I show understanding of my role and the rules when attacking and defending? Can I use skills learnt within a competition? |
Year 5 - Physical Education
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
FOOTBALL Can I show teaching points of dribbling and keep some control under pressure? Can I show some control when passing on the move and can demonstrate some teaching points of shooting in isolation? HANDBALL Can I name the 3 phases of a warm up and show an accurate pass? Can I decide which pass to use in a given situation? Can I show effective techniques when dribbling and passing in a small game? Do I know the rules of using steps in handball and can I use this when shooting? Do I know how to defend in handball? Can I use skills learnt with in a competition? |
HANDBALL Can I show successful passing and use this to keep possession when under pressure? Can I dribble with some control and perform steps in a game situation? HOCKEY Can I hold a hockey stick with correct technique and use it to dribble a ball? Do I know the key points of a push pass and can I show this safely? Can I dribble and pass a short distance showing control and accuracy in isolation? Can I make an effective pass under pressure? Do I know and can I show the key points of shooting? Can I use skills learnt with in a competition? |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
BADMINTON Can I show the correct grip and teaching points of a serve? Can I return a serve and perform a successful overhead clear? BASKETBALL Can I dribble showing an effective technique and knowledge of rules? Can I keep possession when dribbling under pressure? Can I pass whilst on the move? Can I show a successful shooting technique when under pressure? Do understand the rules of defending and can I show an effective technique? Can I show skills learnt within a competition? |
NETBALL Can I show the 3 different passes and attempt to use these when under pressure? Can I show correct footwork in isolation and in a game? FOOTBALL Can I dribble showing control in isolation? Can I keep possession of the ball when dribbling around obstacles? Do I know the key points of passing and can I show these? Can I pass and move when working in a team? Can I show understanding of my role and the rules when attacking and defending? Can I show skills learnt within a competition?
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
ATHLETICS Can I show some teaching points when performing the sprint and long jump? Can I show some teaching points when performing the relay changeover and high jump? TENNIS Can I send a tennis ball with some control using a racket? Can I use my racket to place a ball in a certain direction with some accuracy? Can I maintain a short rally with a partner? Can I show accuracy when placing my shots? Do I understand the rules of tennis, and can I adhere to these in a competition? Can I use skills learnt within a competition? |
BASKETBALL Can I show control when dribbling under pressure? Can I show successful passing and receiving within a game? NETBALL Do I know the key teaching points f the 3 passes and when to use them in a game? Can I perform footwork and pivoting accurately? Do I know some rules of HI5 netball? Can I adhere to the rules of HI5 netball in a game? Can I use skills learnt within a competition? Can I use skills learnt within a competition? |
Year 6 - Physical Education
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
TABLE TENNIS Can I show some teaching points when performing the backhand push? Can I show some teaching points when performing the Forehand push? HANDBALL Can I lead a warm up in a pair and show correct technique when passing and receiving? Can I pass and move following the rules of handballl? Can I show effective techniques when dribbling and passing in a small game? Can I show knowledge of steps and an effective shooting technique? Do I know tactics to use when attacking and defending? Can I use skills learnt with in a competition? |
TABLE TENNIS Can I show a legal serve and some knowledge of the rules when officiating? Can I apply a variety of shots in a game situation? TAG RUGBY Can I show correct technique when passing and receiving under pressure? Do I know the rules of tagging and can I apply these when under pressure? Can I show passing and movement skills within a small game? Can I run with the ball and make decisions about when to pass? Can I show an understanding of gameplay and perform a role when attacking and defending? Can I show skills learnt within a competition? |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
DENCHBALL Can I show an effective throw and use this successfully in a game? Do I know a variety of dodges and can I explain the situations in which I would use these? BASKETBALL Can I dribble showing successful technique and knowledge of rules when under pressure? Can I keep possession when dribbling under pressure? Can I make successful passes whilst on the move showing knowledge of rules? Can I show correct shooting technique and make good decisions about when to shoot when under pressure? Do I know and can I show my role when attacking and defending? Can I show skills learnt within a competition? |
DENCHBALL Can I use a variety of dodges to outwit my opponent? Can I use my knowledge of tactics to be successful under pressure? FOOTBALL Can I keep possession of the ball when dribbling around obstacles showing correct technique. Do I know how to turn with the ball and can I do this to keep possession? Can I keep possession when dribbling in a small game situation? Do I know how to pass successfully and can I pass and move under pressure? Do I know the key points of shooting and can I show these? Can I show skills learnt within a competition?
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
ATHLETICS Can I show a successful technique in high jump competition? Can I show the correct technique for triple jump? TENNIS Can I send a tennis ball with some control using a racket? Can I use my racket to place a ball in a certain direction with some accuracy? Can I maintain a short rally with a partner? Can I show accuracy when placing my shots? Do I understand the rules of tennis and can I adhere to these in a competition? Can I use skills learnt within a competition? |
ATHLETICS Can I show a sprint start and sprint technique in competition? Can I perform a successful relay changeover in competition? NETBALL Can I pass and move showing correct technique? Can I perform footwork and pivoting accurately? Can I show knowledge of the rules of footwork and pivoting? Can I adhere to the rules of HI5 netball in a game? Can I use skills learnt within a competition? Can I use skills learnt within a competition? |
Year 7 - Physical Education
Autumn | |
Netball Can I demonstrate a range of passes in a competitive situation? Can I demonstrate the space, ball and player concept and keep control of the ball and my body when on the move in isolation? Can I demonstrate good knowledge of a variety of positions on the court? Can I demonstrate the correct shooting technique and am successful from a close range? All Core and Some Advanced Skills Football Can I demonstrate the correct pass with accuracy in isolation? Can I dribble the ball with my stronger foot keeping it under control consistently in isolation? Can I demonstrate passing and dribbling with control and accuracy when under pressure in isolation and make informed decisions to be effective? Can I demonstrate the correct shooting technique with accuracy in isolation? All Core and Some Advanced Skills Table Tennis Can I demonstrate the backhand push in isolation rally? Can I demonstrate the forehand push in isolation in a rally? Can I demonstrate the serve in isolation and starting to return my opponents serve? Can I maintain a short rally by demonstrating forehand and backhand shots? All Core and Some Advanced Skills |
Spring | |
Handball Can I demonstrate catching and passing (shoulder, bounce) most of the time in isolation? Can I dribble the ball with my stronger hand keeping it under control consistently in isolation? Can I demonstrate the correct defensive stance in handball putting an opponent under pressure? Can I demonstrate a standing shot correctly when in isolation with accuracy? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS Fitness Can I explain why we warm up/cool down and state possible hazards that may result in injury in the sports hall Can I locate and calculate my heart rate and know how exercise effects my heart rate? Can I describe aerobic and anaerobic exercise with sporting examples? Can I identify how we are using muscles in our circuit at different stations? Can I describe aerobic and anaerobic exercise with sporting examples and locate and calculate my heart rate and know how exercise effects my heart rate? Basketball Can I demonstrate bounce and chest passes showing accuracy, control, and fluency in isolation? Can I dribble whilst on the move and maintain control in isolation? Can I demonstrate a set shot in isolation? Can I demonstrate the defensive stance in basketball use in isolation? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS
Summer | |
Athletics Discuss: Can I demonstrate the correct roll release? High Jump: Can I demonstrate speed on the take off? Hurdles: Can I demonstrate a lead leg and trail leg? Javelin: Can I describe the teaching points for a javelin throw? Long Distance: Can I maintain my own running pace for 400m? Long Jump: Can I demonstrate a one footed jump with a run up? Relay: Can I demonstrate the up and down sweep motion? Shot Putt: Can I describe the teaching points for a shot putt throw? Sprint: Can I demonstrate the correct running technique? Triple Jump: Can I demonstrate the 3 stages from a standing position? Rounders Can I demonstrate throwing and catching? Can I connect the bat with the ball? Can I demonstrate a legal bowl in isolation? Can I demonstrate use of tactics? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS Cricket Can I demonstrate throwing and catching? Can I connect the bat with the ball? Can I demonstrate a legal bowl in isolation? Can I demonstrate use of tactics? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS |
Year 8 - Physical Education
Autumn | |
Netball Can I demonstrate appropriate landing techniques in isolation? Can I consistently demonstrate a range of passes with accuracy and control over varied distance in competitive situations? Can I select and apply dodging techniques to get free from a defender, showing balance, timing, and good footwork at speed? Can I select and apply effective attacking and defensive techniques with success at the right time in a competitive situation? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS Football Can I demonstrate various passes with success in a competitive situation? Can I dribble the ball keeping it under control with my stronger foot when put under pressure in a game situation? I am beginning to dribble with my weaker foot Can I effectively carry out passing and dribbling when appropriate using correct decision making during a competitive situation? Can I demonstrate various shooting techniques with success in a competitive situation? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS Table Tennis Can I consistently demonstrate the backhand push shot and begin to include spin in isolation? Can I consistently demonstrate the forehand push shot in competitive situations adding spin? Can I consistently show the correct service technique when in a game and can return a serve? Can I demonstrate placement of forehand and backhand shots in isolation? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS |
Spring | |
Handball Can I demonstrate catching and passing (shoulder, bounce) most of the time in isolation? Am I able to dribble the ball keeping it under control with my stronger hand when put under pressure in a competitive situation? Can I demonstrate the correct defensive stance and maintain possession of the ball when under pressure to make the correct decisions to pass or dribble? Can I demonstrate a standing shot when under pressure in a drill or competitive situation? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS Fitness Can I explain the reasons for participation, know how to take an accurate heart rate and define the difference between aerobic and anaerobic linking to sport and understand the benefits of circuit training? Can I state and explain 4 methods of training – circuit, fartlek, continuous, interval Can I state and define a variety of components of fitness and test them? Can I state and define a variety of components of fitness and test them? Can I state and define principles of training? Basketball Can I demonstrate bounce, chest and overhead passes over short and long distances, showing good accuracy, control and fluency in isolation and dribble with my weaker hand? Can I perform the lay-up shot, showing good accuracy, control and fluency in isolation? Can I demonstrate the concept of half court and full court press and man-marking in isolation? Can I dribble showing control all the time with both hands and able to drive at the correct time and starting to use fakes and deception? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS |
Summer | |
Athletics Discuss: Am I able to demonstrate a legal throw using the correct stance? High Jump: Can I demonstrate the scissor technique for high jump? Hurdles: Can I demonstrate a lead leg and trail leg? Javelin: Am I able to demonstrate a legal throw using the correct stance? Long Distance: Can I maintain my own running pace for 800m? Long Jump: Am I able to demonstrate a legal jump showing momentum? Relay: Am I starting to move as part of the change over? Shot Putt: Am I able to demonstrate a legal throw using the correct stance? Sprint: Can I demonstrate a sprint start and transition into the sprint? Triple Jump: Can I link and demonstrate consistently the 3 stages? Rounders Can I demonstrate throwing and catching? Can I connect the bat with the ball? Can I demonstrate a legal bowl in isolation? Can I demonstrate use of tactics? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS Cricket Can I demonstrate throwing and catching? Can I connect the bat with the ball? Can I demonstrate a legal bowl in isolation? Can I demonstrate use of tactics? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS
Year 9 - Physical Education
Autumn | |
Netball Can I consistently demonstrate good awareness of the rules regarding footwork, showing effective landing techniques in competitive situations? Can I consistently and effectively demonstrate various passing techniques over varied distances in competitive situations? I am beginning to demonstrate good movement off the ball to receive the pass Can I consistently demonstrate attacking and getting free from a defender using various dodging techniques and effectively change direction? Can I consistently select and apply effective attacking and defending skills, particularly showing good use of body to block rebounds, and attacking progress up court? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS Football Can I use a variety of passes, including the use of my weaker foot/outside of foot showing good accuracy and control when in a competitive situation? Can I dribble the ball with my strongest foot and use my weaker foot showing control in competitive situations? Can I consistently demonstrate successful passing and dribbling in a competitive situation? Can I use my weaker/outside of my foot showing good accuracy and technique in isolation? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS Table Tennis Can I play the backhand/forehand push and drive consistently with top/back spin and depth, in competitive situations? Can I consistently demonstrate a legal serve in competitive situations with spin and depth? Can I demonstrate a defensive and attacking shot in competitive situations? Can I demonstrate forehand and backhand shots in competitive situations with spin? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS |
Spring | |
Handball Can I select the correct pass consistently when put under pressure in competitive situation and can make space effectively? Am I able to dribble keeping the ball under control with my both hands and use the 3 steps effectively to create space? Can I maintain possession of the ball when under pressure and can move into space and communicate effectively? Can I demonstrate both types of shots with accuracy using the 3 steps effectively as part of the jump shot? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS Fitness Can I state, define and give sporting examples of all components of fitness and test them? Can I state, define and give sporting examples of all components of fitness and test them? Can I name and explain methods of training – circuit, fartlek, continuous, interval and give examples of sports that would acquire these methods? Can I state and define principles of training, showing an understanding of how you can apply them to improve fitness? Can I calculate my maximum HR and target zone? Basketball Can I demonstrate a variety of passes over short and long distances, showing good accuracy, control and fluency in a competitive situation? Can I demonstrate a set shot and lay-up shot, showing good accuracy, control, and fluency in a competitive situation? situation and dribble using either hand comfortably Can I demonstrate the concept of half court and full court press and man-marking and consistently use them at the most appropriate times in competitive situations? Can I show consistent attacking play and am effective in competitive situations? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS |
Summer | |
Athletics Discus: Am I able to demonstrate a legal throw with rotation? High Jump: Am I able to demonstrate I can lead with upper body to complete jump? Hurdles: Can I demonstrate a lead leg and trail leg? Javelin: Am I able to demonstrate a legal throw with a run up? Long Distance: Am I able to complete the 800m in less than 4 minutes? Long Jump: Am I able to demonstrate an effective long jump showing all four stages? Relay: Am I able to demonstrate an effective relay changeover? Shot Putt: Am I able to demonstrate a legal throw with rotation? Sprint: Am I able to demonstrate a sprint start effectively? Triple Jump: Am I able to demonstrate a triple jump with a run up? Rounders Can I demonstrate throwing and catching? Can I connect the bat with the ball? Can I demonstrate a legal bowl in isolation? Can I demonstrate use of tactics? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS Cricket Can I demonstrate throwing and catching? Can I connect the bat with the ball? Can I demonstrate a legal bowl in isolation? Can I demonstrate use of tactics? ALL CORE AND STARTING ADVANCED SKILLS |
Year 10 - Physical Education
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
The structure and function of the skeletal system The structure and function of the muscular system Movement analysis To be able to name and locate all the bones of the skeleton and functions of the skeleton To be able to locate major muscle groups, the role of muscles in movement and give sporting examples To be able to demonstrate understanding of 3 types of levers, sporting examples and mechanical advantage To develop knowledge of the planes of movement and axes of rotation Football Table Tennis Netball The learner’s level of success in this activity is measured through the areas/aspects identified in the practical activity assessment criteria for GCSE (9–1) Practical Performance The learner is assessed performing the acquired and developed skills of the sport
The cardiovascular and respiratory systems Effects of exercise on body systems Components of fitness
To understand key terms concerning the Cardiovascular system and the pathway of blood To understand key terms concerning the Cardiovascular system and the pathway of blood To develop knowledge and understanding of the long term and short-term effects of exercise on muscles, the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system To know the definition, test and porting examples for all components of fitness Football Table Tennis Netball The learner’s level of success in this activity is measured through the areas/aspects identified in the practical activity assessment criteria for GCSE (9–1) Practical Performance The learner is assessed performing the acquired and developed skills of the sport |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Applying the principles of training Preventing injury in physical activity and training To understand the principles of training through and be able to apply them to personal exercise programmes and training To understand the different methods of training used and provide sporting examples To understand the key components of a warmup and physical benefits To understand the key components of a warmup and physical benefits To understand the risk of injury in physical activity and how it can be minimised Handball Basketball The learner’s level of success in this activity is measured through the areas/aspects identified in the practical activity assessment criteria for GCSE (9–1) Practical Performance The learner is assessed performing the acquired and developed skills of the sport |
Sports psychology NEA Component To understand how to describe characteristics of a skill and be able to apply practical examples for these To understand how to describe classification of a skill and be able to apply practical examples for these To understand the concept of SMART goal setting and the impact it can have on exercise and training adherence, motivating performers and improving performance Learners will be assessed in an analysing and evaluating performance task Handball Basketball The learner’s level of success in this activity is measured through the areas/aspects identified in the practical activity assessment criteria for GCSE (9–1) Practical Performance The learner is assessed performing the acquired and developed skills of the sport |
Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
NEA Component Engagement patterns of different social groups in physical activities and sports Commercialisation of physical activity and sport Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport Learners will be assessed in an analysing and evaluating performance task Learners will develop their knowledge and understanding of current participation trends using a range of valid and respected sources The factors affecting participation for a range of different groups in society, along with strategies to promote participation, using practical examples from physical activities and sports To understand the influence of the media and sponsorship on the commercialisation of physical activity and sport To understand Ethics in sport and be able to apply practical examples for their use Athletics Badminton The learner’s level of success in this activity is measured through the areas/aspects identified in the practical activity assessment criteria for GCSE (9–1) Practical Performance The learner is assessed performing the acquired and developed skills of the sport |
Sports psychology Health, fitness and well-being To know mental preparation techniques and be able to apply practical examples for their use To understand types of guidance and its uses in sporting settings To understand types of feedback and its uses in sporting settings Learners will develop their knowledge and understanding of the benefits of participating in physical activities and sport to health, fitness and well-being as well as having a clear definition of health and fitness To understand what a balanced diet is and the components of it To understand nutritional strategies for athletes and factors to consider with sports performers and nutrition Athletics Badminton The learner’s level of success in this activity is measured through the areas/aspects identified in the practical activity assessment criteria for GCSE (9–1) Practical Performance The learner is assessed performing the acquired and developed skills of the sport |
Year 11 - Physical Education
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 |
Bespoke SOL for Paper 1 Content The structure and function of the skeletal system The structure and function of the muscular system Movement analysis The cardiovascular and respiratory systems Effects of exercise on body systems Components of fitness Applying the principles of training Preventing injury in physical activity and training Football Table Tennis Netball The learner’s level of success in this activity is measured through the areas/aspects identified in the practical activity assessment criteria for GCSE (9–1) Practical Performance The learner is assessed performing the acquired and developed skills of the sport |
Bespoke SOL for Paper 2 Content Engagement patterns of different social groups in physical activities and sports Commercialisation of physical activity and sport Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport Sports psychology Health, fitness and well-being Handball Basketball Badminton The learner’s level of success in this activity is measured through the areas/aspects identified in the practical activity assessment criteria for GCSE (9–1) Practical Performance The learner is assessed performing the acquired and developed skills of the sport |
Spring 1 | Spring 2 |
Bespoke SOL for Paper 1 Content The structure and function of the skeletal system The structure and function of the muscular system Movement analysis The cardiovascular and respiratory systems Effects of exercise on body systems Components of fitness Applying the principles of training Preventing injury in physical activity and training Preparation for Practical Exam The learner’s level of success in this activity is measured through the areas/aspects identified in the practical activity assessment criteria for GCSE (9–1) Practical Performance The learner is assessed performing the acquired and developed skills of the sport |
Bespoke SOL for Paper 2 Content Engagement patterns of different social groups in physical activities and sports Commercialisation of physical activity and sport Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport Sports psychology Health, fitness and well-being |